Sunday, February 26, 2012




Texts: 2KINGS 2:1-15; JOHN 6:67-68
2Ki 2:1 And it came to pass, when the LORD was about to take up Elijah into heaven by a whirlwind, that Elijah went with Elisha from Gilgal. 2 Then Elijah said to Elisha, "Stay here, please, for the LORD has sent me on to Bethel." But Elisha said, "As the LORD lives, and as your soul lives, I will not leave you!" So they went down to Bethel….14 Then he took the mantle of Elijah that had fallen from him, and struck the water, and said, "Where is the LORD God of Elijah?" And when he also had struck the water, it was divided this way and that; and Elisha crossed over. 15 Now when the sons of the prophets who were from Jericho saw him, they said, "The spirit of Elijah rests on Elisha." And they came to meet him, and bowed to the ground before him.
Joh 6:67 Then Jesus said to the twelve, "Do you also want to go away?" 68 But Simon Peter answered Him, "Lord, TO WHOM SHALL WE GO? You have the words of eternal life.


In part one of the discussion, we dealt with the loyalty of Elisha which earned him the double portion of God’s anointing. He was loyal both to God and his master Elijah even though some behaviour of Elijah was more or less difficult to understand. In order to be loyal to your church, there is the need to understand the purpose of the church.

Can you answer Jesus’ question rightly as Peter did? Many people are leaving the church. Some are hopping from one church to another. Some people are leaving to join the cults. Others are also leaving to join the occult. And yet still, others are just backsliding. But Peter was right. To whom shall we go? After tasting the goodness of the salvation, healing and deliverance which only Jesus Christ can give, where else should I go? There is the need for me to remain in Him, be an active member of my church and contribute my quota in making it a better institution.

Let’s touch briefly on the purpose of God’s church on the earth. The church is described as the only institution on earth which does not exist for itself. If we have a better understanding of the purpose of the church, it will help us to remain loyal and strive to maintain our membership no matter the challenges which come our way.

The first purpose of the church is Reaching up to God in Worship. This is where praise, honour and adoration are directed to God, for His gracious gifts to His people through Jesus Christ. Worship in other words refers to an appreciation of the greatness of God as manifested in creation. We worship by glorifying and adoring Him as God the Creator, speaking of His majestic power and authority, and giving to acknowledge that He is the giver of life and all things.
All loyal members of the local church are duty-bound to involve themselves in church worship, in addition to their private worship.

The second purpose of the church on earth is Reaching in to believers in fellowship (Acts. 2:42-47). To be loyal to a church, it is not enough to only have your name in their register. You should be able to mix freely with other members. Having fellowship therefore means ministering to one another in relationship, service to one another in love and assisting each other without expecting a reward. We serve one another with our talents no matter the cost. In addition, churches teach, exhort and encourage in love, share time and substance with one another in order to strengthen fellowship. To continually deepen fellowship, members should learn how to demonstrate practical love to each other by forgiving one another in time of offences and be faithful to one another. Members should also pray for, and share in the fears and aspirations of one another.

It must be noted from these that, fellowshipping with the church will cost you your time, talent and treasure. You also need to tolerate all manner of people with all their annoyances and surprises. It means there is the need to learn how to put up with all sorts of people and make friends with them. This will help each an everyone to have the “I belong” feeling. It is easy for people who do not share fellowship to leave the church. Church fellowship suffers the most when members are not loyal to the church.

The third purpose of the church on earth is Reaching out to sinners in evangelism (Acts 1 :8; Mark 16:15-17) This refers to all the activities the church undertakes in order to win new people to join them for good. There are so many ways of doing it, but churches normally specialize in one or two methods of evangelism. Loyal church members involve themselves in evangelism. It will be difficult to leave a church which you are actively involved in winning souls for. The purpose of evangelism is to bring people to Christ through personal and group efforts.

The philosophy of Christ’s church is therefore to sustain Christ's ministry on earth (Luke 24:46-47), promote righteousness in the world (1 Pet. 2: 11-12) and to destroy the work of the devil through prayer, the word of God and evangelism. (Eph. 6:10-12)

Being loyal to the church means staying faithful in helping fulfil its purpose. It also means making yourself available for the church’s use, putting your talents and giftings at the disposal of your church – responding to the call to serve the church in any capacity. One thing to remember is that we serve God with all we have. When the church needs money, it is the duty of all loyal members to contribute it to advance the kingdom business. Anything short of these constitutes disloyalty. You are not in the church for nothing. You are not in the church only for what you can gain from it, but also for what you can do for it. See the church as God sees it. Make an impact in it, and you will be rewarded for your loyalty. God bless you.

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Sunday, February 19, 2012


Texts: 2KINGS 2:1-15; JOHN 6:67-68
2Ki 2:1 ¶ And it came to pass, when the LORD was about to take up Elijah into heaven by a whirlwind, that Elijah went with Elisha from Gilgal. 2 Then Elijah said to Elisha, "Stay here, please, for the LORD has sent me on to Bethel." But Elisha said, "As the LORD lives, and as your soul lives, I will not leave you!" So they went down to Bethel….14 Then he took the mantle of Elijah that had fallen from him, and struck the water, and said, "Where is the LORD God of Elijah?" And when he also had struck the water, it was divided this way and that; and Elisha crossed over. 15 Now when the sons of the prophets who were from Jericho saw him, they said, "The spirit of Elijah rests on Elisha." And they came to meet him, and bowed to the
ground before him.

Joh 6:67 Then Jesus said to the twelve, "Do you also want to go away?" 68 But Simon Peter answered Him, "Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.
There are so many instances in the Bible where people were rewarded for being faithful and
loyal to their convictions. Ruth’s loyalty to Naomi earned her a noble, good husband in Boaz, and subsequently becoming an ancestor to Jesus Christ, the Saviour of the world. (Ruth 4:21-22)
Rahab’s story is no different. She stuck faithfully to her conviction that the Lord God Almighty
was with Israel so her people could never win over Israel and therefore promised to protect the Israelite spies. This earned her deliverance for herself and her family. (Joshua 6:23)
Abigail was one woman who was not only saved from the wrath of David but also secured a better
husband in David from that foolish Nabal. (1 Samuel 25:37-39)
Caleb and Joshua, the only two people out the twelve spies of the Promised Land, were
blessed with long life to survive the vagaries of the wilderness and to possess special inheritance in the Promised Land. (Numbers 26:65)

With all these instances of people being loyal to the cause of God in mind, I want to draw
your attention to the main character of this discussion – Elisha. Elisha is the only prophet in the bible who received a double portion of God’s anointing. He is credited with the first of two post-humous miracles in the Bible… He was so anointed that long after his death, his bones could bring a dead person back to life! Yet this man did not take it easy in his calling and ministry. He was called out into ministry
when he had the greatest chance of making big money as a commercial farmer. He had prepared a very big land for a very ambitious agricultural project. But he left it and followed Elijah, the man of God.

Unfortunately when the time came for Elijah to hand over the ministry to Elisha, he subjected
this young prophet to a very difficult testing. Elijah knew he would be taken up to heaven in a whirlwind, yet he asked Elisha not to follow him. But upon being persistent, he followed Elijah to where he was taken up and received a double portion of Elijah’s anointing. Take note that Elisha’s motto was, “I will not leave you”. He made such statements several times. And he never left Elijah till he achieved what he was determined for.
Never ever leave your church. There may be some people like Elijah who may hide many things from you, but if you persist and remain loyal, God will reward you with all your heart's desires. The import of this discussion is very simple and straight-forward. There are many of us who
profess to be church members and yet do not want to totally commit themselves to the church. The scenario now is that many Christians have been hopping from one church or ministry to another. This is having some serious repercussions to ministry in churches. If this menace is
not halted, a time will come when one of the essential purpose of the church –
thus fellowship - will be replaced with disunity and incoherence. Pastors and church leaders cannot tell members from visitors. This has already started in some prayer ministries. We
would want to explore the possible causes to this scenario and assign solutions to them in the subsequent discussions. God bless you all.

Friday, February 3, 2012


The Chairman of the Church of Pentecost and the
President of Ghana Pentecostal and Charismatic Council Apostle Dr. Opoku
Onyinah has once again taken time of his busy schedule to meet with the
journalists and other media personnel at the church’s headquarters in Accra on
Thursday February 2, 2012.

In an address to the journalists, the Chairman based
on Isaiah 52:7-8 to exhort them as he gave the origin of the printing press. To
him, a journalist is a person who writes news stories or articles for a
newspaper or magazine or broadcasts them on radio or television and the media
connotes newspapers, magazines, radio and television considered as a
group. As a member of the National Peace
Council, Apostle Opoku Onyinah’s concern here was for all who are involved in
the Media.

In assessing the importance of the media, the Chairman
reiterated that modern society cannot run away from the media because of their
importance. The media is a tool of communication, used for either good or bad.
He added that the role of psyche in reading, hearing and watching cannot be
grossed over. He said the Media is now
called the king makers in the West. They are used for News, Politics, Entertainment,
Romance, Sports, Music, etc. Media have more influence on society than any person
can have. Many believe and act on what they read, see, or watch. Though many
Christians will not visit theatres or cinemas to watch movies but when it comes
to TV many Christians watch same TV as unbelievers. The moral fabric of society
is eroding because people write more on sex, violence, division, bad news, etc.
The crux of the Chairman’s message to the media personnel has been given below.

The Christian journalist in modern times is bewildered
with many challenges. Among these challenges are that good news does not sell;
many people delight in sexual matters and as such writing or talking about it sells. Sexual acts feature in much literature and on
the TV/Drama/Radio. Journalists seem to be attracted to many people because of their
popularity. In view of this, they tend to face lots of temptations. There are
the tendencies for people to bribe them to twist the truth; do things against
their conscience; and sing the voice of their boss instead of their master

Accept your job as a call and practise as a
Make a good choice of what you write
Check the rationale behind your writing or
Find out the interest of the persons giving you
the story or asking you to make a presentation
Find out if you would be embarrassed when asked
by your pastor, parents or friends about what you said or wrote.
Write to promote Christ and his kingdom
Write or present a programme that will lead to
progress and peace
Be very careful of writing or making a
presentation against the church
Tell your church leaders about your challenges

Will what you are writing or presenting help
society by leading to progress, peace or liberation?
Does it bring glory to God?
Will it help your Christian life?
Will it enslave you?
Will it strengthen you against temptation or lead
you to it?
Is it the characteristic of God or the world?

The church is called upon to accept the journalists’
job as important and a call, and then encourage them. Pray with them and get
them involved in church activities and use their talents. The church should not
buy or patronise bad media programmes. The church is encouraged to buy their
literature or patronise their programme.



The Chairman of the Church of Pentecost, Apostle Dr. Opoku Onyinah has
ushered in the month of February with a maiden meeting with the actors and
actresses of the film industry in Ghana. The meeting served as a medium of
interacting with the actors and actresses and praying for and with them for
their contributions to national development. This special meeting took place at
the Headquarters of the Church of Pentecost, La in Accra on Wednesday February
1, 2012.

The Chairman addressed them on the theme, the Christian Actor or Actress based on Mark 9:42 and said that
their acting should by no means cause people to stumble or sin. In his
introduction, Apostle Dr. Opoku Onyinah reminisced, “Pentecostals did not
initially attend cinema, film shows and watch TV. Initially Christians condemned films. As late
as 1990, I went to the home of one Pentecostal couple; they did not have the
TV.” He said that the trend has changed and as such the importance of TV and
movies in the modern world cannot be underestimated since almost every home has
a television set. To the Chairman, the actor or actress is a prominent
personality who brings the message on the TV. Using the account of Rebecca and
Jacob scheming to take the blessings of Esau found at Genesis 27:11-33, he gave
a graphical explanation and biblical example of who an actor or actress is – someone
who pretends to be someone else while performing in a film, theatrical
performance, or television or radio programme. Below is the highlight of the
full speech of the Chairman delivered at the meeting.

In recent times, TV/VIDEO/DVD/MOVIES have virtually become part of
life. They are used for news, entertainment, sports, films, music, rock music,
at home, on buses, airplanes, shops, stores, offices, etc. Movies and TV have
more influence on society than any preacher has now. Many believe and act on
what they see. Example is an adult asking whether the people of Israel wear the
same clothing as they see in films. Many people will not visit places to watch movies
as many Christians will not do this but when it comes to TV, many Christians
watch same TV as unbelievers. One thing which glares all of us in the face is
that the moral fabric of society eroding, because more sex, violence and bad
language found on TV. In fact, we cannot run away from it. Movies and TV are
tools of communication, used for either good or bad.

In early 1970, a group of youth in Boston poured petrol on a derelict
and set him on fire, re-enactment of a scene in the movie "Fuzz". In
1973, a young woman was killed by a 17-year -old boy in Atlanta; he mimicked
the action of a suspect in TV movie, "The Marcus-Nelson Murders". In
1978, 4 teenage girls assaulted a 9-year-old girl, in imitation of a scene in a
two-hour drama called "Born Innocent". In the drama female reformatory inmates
appeared to assault a teenage girl with a wooden rod. The imitators used an
empty beverage bottle. In the 1990, two boys kidnapped a child who was being
pushed by her mother in a trolley and killed him; they were mimicking a film
they had watched. An attempt to capture President Ragan by John Hinckley was
attributed to the movie, "Taxi Driver". Why all this? It portrays the
power of sight that has direct bearing on our psyche. Everybody is affected by
movies and TV in one way or the other, be it positive or negative.

Modern preaching on TV especially most popular ones is influencing
viewer’s lifestyle. Recently, someone watched the movie entitled “The Passion
of Jesus” and died in Brazil.

Apostle Dr Opoku Onyinah enumerated the following as some of the
challenges of the Christian actor or actress. Many people delight in sexual
acts, and that sells and gives money to individuals. Sexual acts features in most of the things on
the TV/Drama/Radio. There are very few Christian films and dramas in the market
due to the view that they may not sell and that very few Christians are in the
film and TV business. Being an actor or actress attract many people, because of
popularity making them face lots of temptations. The actor or actress is beset
with the tendency to live what they act.

Accept your work as a call and act as a
Make good choice or be more discerning
before participation: what is good or evil.
Find out the premises: good triumph over
evil; ruthless ambition destroys itself; love triumph over selfishness;
forgiveness brings reconciliation. Try to find the premise, before acting.
Does the premise agree with or conflict with biblical truth? Does it give
impure thoughts or healthy one? How is the premise solved?
Find out the moral statements
Find out who the hero is
Find out who the villain is
Find out how Christians, pastors, and
religious people are portrayed
Find out how the world is portrayed
Find out how reality is portrayed
Find out how evil is portrayed
Find out how the government is portrayed
Find out how love is portrayed
Find out how the family is portrayed
Find out the interest of the key people
(e.g. producers and distributors) in the film.
Find out if you would be embarrassed
seeing yourself watched by others, or watch the film with friends,
pastors, or Jesus
Tell your church leaders about your

Does this bring glory to God?
Will this help my Christian life?
Will it enslave me?
Will it strengthen me against temptation
or lead me to it?
Is this the characteristic of God or the

Accept actors and actresses; encourage them and pray with them. Get
them involved in church activities and use their talents. Christians should refuse
to sell, buy or watch bad films; people who make films want money; they will
stop if people are not buying it. This is what the Roman Catholic Church did in
1933, and later sought the support of other Christians. Instead, they are to
patronise Christian films.
Christians who are called into this film/TV business should get into
it and change the trend.
Form a Christian Actors and Producer Association that will come out
with only Christian movies.