Friday, March 9, 2012


Many factors have been contributing to this negative practice. We begin with problems emanating from the camp of church leaders.


These refer to problems associated with some church leaders and pastors which cause church members and even pastors to leave their churches. A sizeable percentage of people leaving their churches could be attributed to the commissions and omissions of church leadership. That is, what we leaders do or fail to do may cause many people to leave our churches. I have categorized some of these leadership deficiencies, based on biblical characters who displayed some of them.

·         ELIJAHS:- These are the church leaders who never share their vision with their followers. God instructed Elijah to anoint Elisha as his successor. Yet he moved on with Elisha without telling him what was about to take place. It is very difficult to follow such leaders. People become fed up with them and quit.

·         SAULS:- These are those leaders who are jealous of others and their successes, (1Sa 18:6-9). Saul was jealous of David because he succeeded in killing the giant Goliath. They become insecure when they see members applauding their associate ministers. They begin to intimidate whoever becomes popular and successful in one way or another. Leaders should know that they are leaders not because they have all the gifts and are capable of doing everything perfectly well. It is just by the grace of God. Recognize the gifts of others and make good use of them, and they will forever be loyal to you and the church.

·         JOSHUAS:- These are one-man-show leaders, (Josh 24:29-31). Joshua had only one contemporary with him when they got to the Promised Land. Both Joshua and Caleb were 40 years older than any of the people who entered the Promised Land. We did not hear of any circumstance where Joshua involved Caleb in anything. In fact, Caleb had to use wisdom in order to appeal for his share of the Promised Land. Joshua had taken his portion of the land God promised to give to the two of them for their faithfulness, yet he forgot to help Caleb to secure his portion. Although he won all the battles he fought, he couldn’t train anybody to take over so as soon as he died, the nation suffered political disintegration. When leaders fail to involve and empower the up-and-coming leaders, it makes many people leave the church. This generally affects the cream of people who are gifted enough to be of immense benefit to the church.

·         AHABS:- These are leaders without vision (1Kings 16:30). Ahab had no good agenda when he became the king of Israel. When a church is headed by visionless, purposeless, leaders like Ahab, opportunists get upper hand over the true committed and dedicated servants of God. Such leaders may be dictated to by others who may be Jezebels. When members realize they cannot continue to suffer quietly under the Jezebels, they leave the church quietly.

·         ABSALOMS:- These are leaders who usurp their position and  power from others, (2Sa 15:1-6). They come to power through “coup d’états” in the church. Absalom used such strategy to gain political power over his own father David for the throne of Israel. Some people will leave a church where subordinates backbite and manufacture all sorts of lies against leaders for the sake of promotion and other personal benefits. Those who break away and unceremoniously bait church members to follow them should be aware that one day, some associate leaders will also do same to them, because disloyalty begets disloyalty in greater proportions.

·         ELIS:- This refers to the two sons of Eli the priest, (1Sa 2:12, 22). They were immoral, raping women who have come to offer sacrifices to God. And they were doing all these in the house of God. “What would you do if you were a lady and your married pastor wants to have sex with you?” This was a question a lady backslider asked me when I identified that she had not been going to church and attempted to counsel her. Immorality and even hints of it, amongst the top echelons of authority in the church may cause many people to leave it.
·         HERODS:- They are worship-receiving church leaders, (Act 12:20-23). They do everything possible to draw all attention of the church members to themselves, instead of God. And woe betides anybody who dares to criticize them! Songs are composed in their name. All church paraphernalia have their pictures on them. They name their buildings after themselves. At times, they instruct church members to even pray in their names. They appear in pomp and pageantry, looking invincible and displaying their opulence wherever they go. They should remember that one Herod was killed for allowing people to worship him. When members realize that these semi-divine tendencies within church leaders are getting out of “containable” proportions, they leave such churches.

There are many issues to be considered, especially about leaders. We shall continue next week. Meanwhile, let this discussion remind you that we need to pray more for our leaders! Stay blessed.

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