(Final Part Of Leadership Problems Which Cause People To Leave The Church)
In the previous discussions, we have been dealing with reasons why some church members are not being loyal to their churches but have been hopping from one church to another. We have been elaborating on church leadership deficiencies which cause members to leave their churches. We have been classifying such leaders based on the character and lifestyles of certain people in the Bible. Please read on.
• SIMON MAGUS: These are the malleable, pliable and corrupt church leaders. The Simon Magus type of church leaders uphold bribing. They can bribe people for their promotion and also literally sell promotions when they are at the top. The sorcerer of Samaria; often called Simon Magus, that is, the Magician, is a typical biblical example, Ac 8:9-24. This artful impostor, by the aid of some knowledge of philosophy, medicine, physics, and astronomy, acquired an ascendancy over the people of Samaria. But the preaching and miracles of Philip brought great numbers to Christ, and convinced even Simon that a real and great power attended the gospel. He coveted these spiritual gifts of the apostles for selfish end, and sought them by joining the church and afterwards offering to purchase them with money.
Peter took the occasion to expose his hypocrisy by a terrible denunciation. In some churches, some positions and even transfers to good stations are literally sold, or given to cronies. Whenever people of integrity discover such acts in their churches, they either confront it or leave that church.
• JEHUS: They are the over-zealous, revolutionary church leaders who bring unsustainable drastic changes into churches. Jehu was a general of the army of Joram who slew his master, and usurped the throne of Israel in B. C. 884. He reigned twenty-eight years. See his history in 1Ki 19:16,17; 2Ki 9:1-10:36. He fulfilled the divine purpose in extirpating the family of the impious Ahab, and zealously destroyed the priests of Baal and many other friends of Ahab. But his heart was not right with God so his dynasty was cut short in the fourth generation.
In the work of ministry, zeal is very much needed. But zeal without knowledge is dangerous. It must be noted that although change is good, people resist it when is it too drastic. People leave the church whenever there are drastic changes.
• SCEVAS: These are copycat church leaders. They have no power: always bragging and copying what others do. At Ephesus, The seven sons of Sceva pretended to practice exorcism, and presumed to call on evil spirits to come out from persons possessed, in the name of Jesus. (Ac 19:14-16).
Although so many things can be copied as a way of learning, there is no room for copying someone’s anointing! When members discover that their leaders are not creative and innovative people who can bring desirable changes in the running of their churches, they also leave.
• NABALS: These are the church Leaders who are not appreciative. They fail to recognize others and their ministries. They do not give credit to those who are worth it. Neither will they help in mentoring and discipling. This stifles creativity in their members or followers. A typical biblical character is Nabal. Nabal was a descendant of Caleb and an owner of a large property in lands and flocks, at Maon and Carmel in the south of Judah. He was under great obligations to David, for protecting him from the robbers of the desert; and yet, in the very hour most suggestive of a grateful generosity, he churlishly refused David's modest request of provisions for his needy troop. Indignant at this ingratitude and inhospitality, David was soon on his way to put him and his men to the sword.
Had it not been the discreet intervention of his wife Abigail, David would have killed him and all his family, 1Sa 25:1-43. Remember, people want to be appreciated on what they do so if their efforts are not recognized, they move to where they would be recognized.
From the discussion so far, we have identified that problems emanating from the camp of church leaders constitute a significant percentage in disloyalty of members to their churches. If church members could be made to be very loyal to their churches and stop hopping from one church to another, there is the need to first and foremost address these leadership deficiencies.
As such, the modern day Elijahs, Sauls, Samsons, Rehoboams, Scevas and Nabals should be eliminated to pave way for Spirit-filled servants of God to take care of the flock of Jehovah.
The equally significant reason people leave their churches in neglect of the teaching ministry. God willing, that will be treated in the next discussion. Stay blessed and keep your fingers crossed.
A very insightful discussion. God bless you.
ReplyDeleteMy only problem I have is with the phrase " eliminated to pave way for ...". I think God has a way of using all these class of leaders to train others and expand His Kingdom. This spells the reason why God has not totally eliminated all these ones.